39 minute read

1. Introducing Kubernetes

Kubernetes abstracts away the hardware infrastructure and exposes your whole data-center as a single enormous computational resource

1.1. 为什么需要Kubernetes类似的系统

在科技公司尤其是互联网公司中,将monolithic application转向microservice architecture是大势所趋,相较于单一的monolithic application来说,microservice在开发,部署和协调方面有一些问题需要解决,比如每个microservice对environment,dependency的需求不同,甚至会有冲突。这就需要provide a consistent environment to applications,保证开发环境和生产环境一致

1.2. Container Technologies

Kubernetes uses Linux container technologies to provide isolation of running applications

1.2.1. 理解什么是container

与container类似的一个概念是Virtual Machine(VM),当deploy的程序比较大的时候,使用虚拟机是完全可以的,但在microservice architecture中,对每个microservice都提供一个VM会显得非常浪费。相较于VM,container更加轻量级,a container is nothing more than a single isolated process running in the host OS,中间没有虚拟出的OS一层,因此containers all perform system calls on the exact same kernel running in the host OS. Each VM runs its own set of system services, while containers don’t, because they all run in the same OS

那么container是怎样做到在同一个OS上isolate process呢?答案是Linux提供的两种机制

  • Linux Namespace: Makes sure each process sees its own personal view of the system(files, processes, network interfaces, hostnames, and so on)
  • Linux Control Group(cgroups): Limits the amout of resources the process can consume(CPU, memory, network, bandwidth, and so on)

namespace的概念是针对不同的resource而言,一个process需要各种namespace来使用resource,比如Mount(mnt), Process ID(pid), Network(net)等等,each namespace kind is used to isolate a certain group of resources

1.2.2. Docker


  • Images: A Docker-based container image is something you package your application and its environment into. Docker images是分层的
  • Registries: —A Docker Registry is a repository that stores your Docker images and facilitates easy sharing of those images between different people and computers
  • Containers: A Docker-based container is a regular Linux container created from a Docker-based container image

Different images can contain the exact same layers because every Docker image is built on top of another image and two different images can both use the same parent image as their base. 两个具有部分相同layer的docker container可以share文件,因为container image layers are read-only, when a container is run, a new writable layer is created on top of the layers in the image

因为没有提供虚拟的OS层,所以Docker对于系统环境有要求,并不是完全portable。最后需要强调的是,Docker本身并不提供process isolation,真正的container isolation是在Linux kernel level实现(Linux Namespaces and groups),Docker只是让这些功能更加易于使用

1.3. Introducing Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a software system that allows you to easily deploy and manage containerized applications on top of it. It relies on the features of Linux containers to run heterogeneous applications without having to know any internal details of these applications and without having to manually deploy these applications on each host. Kubernetes can be thought as an operating system for the cluster

Kubernetes由两部分组成,control plane和worker notes

  • Control Plane
    • Kubernetes API Server: Users and the other Control Plane components communicate with
    • Scheduler: Schedules your apps(assigns a worker node to each deployable component of your application)
    • Control Manager: Performs cluster-level functions, such as replicating components, keeping track of worker nodes, handling node failures, and so on
    • etcd: a reliable distributed data store that persistently stores the cluster configuration
  • Nodes
    • Container runtime: Docker/rkt or others, runs your applications
    • Kubelet: Talks to the API server and manages containers on its node
    • Kubernetes Service Proxy(kube-proxy): Load-balances network traffic between application components

To run an application in Kubernetes, you first need to package it up into one or more container images, push those images to an image registry, and then post a description of your app to the Kubernetes API server. Kubernetes continuously makes sure that the deployed state of the application always matches the description you provided

2. First steps with Docker and Kubernetes

2.1. Creating, running, and sharing a container image


  1. Install Docker and run your first “Hello world” container
  2. Create a trivial Node.js app that you’ll later deploy in Kubernetes
  3. Package the app into a container image so you can then run it as an isolated container
  4. Run a container based on the image
  5. Push the image to Docker Hub so that anyone anywhere can run it

具体细节不再详述,只记录一些需要关注的点和常用的docker command

运行某个Docker image,不指定version的话默认使用latest tag
docker run <image>:<tag>

Dockerfile包含一系列指令来build Docker image

docker build -t kubia .

Docker build process并不发生在Docker client,整个directory的内容都会被上传到Docker daemon并且build image. Docker image并不是一个single, big, binary blob, but is composed of mutiple layers,在build image的时候,a new layer is created for each individual command in the Dockerfile

List locally stored images
docker images
docker run --name kubia-container -p 8080:8080 -d kubia

以上命令告诉Docker to run a new container called kubia-container from the kubia image,-d指的是detached mode,在background运行,-p指的是将本机的8080端口映射到container里的8080端口

List running containers
docker ps

Get additional information about a container
docker inspect kubia-container
docker exec -it kubia-container bash

上面的命令will run bash inside the existing kubia-container container, bash进程会使用与这个container进程相同的Linux namespace,-i保证STDIN is kept open,需要使用它来输入command,-t会allocate a pseudo terminal(TTY)

docker stop kubia-container
docker ps -a
docker rm kubia-container

在将Docker image push到repository之前要在之前加上namespace(比如下面的luksa或者shenzhu)

docker tag kubia luksa/kubia
docker push luksa/kubia
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d luksa/kubia

2.2. Setting up a Kubernetes cluster


kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get nodes
kubectl describe node <node name>

2.3. Running your first app on Kubernetes

最简单的方法是使用kubectl run命令

kubectl run kubia --image=luksa/kubia --port=8080 --generator=run/v1

Kubernetes并不直接与container打交道,it uses the concept of multiple co-located containers, this group of containers is called a Pod. A pod is a group of one or more tightly related containers that will always run together on the same worker node and in the same Linux namespace(s). Each pod is like a separate logical machine with its own IP, hostname, processes, and so on, running a single application. All the containers in a pod will appear to be running on the same logical machine

kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl describe pod kubia-hczji

3. Pods: running containers in Kubernetes

3.1. Intorducing pods

Pod is a co-located group of containers and represents he basic building block in Kubernetes. Instead of deploying containers individually, you always deploy and operate on a pod of containers

Containers are designed to run only a single process per container, container的设计是每个container只跑一个process, 不然多个process在一起要分别考虑它们的autoscaling, failure-recovery等问题,会比较麻烦. Because you’re not supposed to group multiple processes into a single container, it’s obvious you need another higher-level construct that will allow you to bind containers together and manage them as a single unit. Kubernetes通过安排同一个pod里的container共享Linux namespace(包括Network和UTS namespace等等), 从而达到共享资源的效果, 也就是partial isolation between containers of the same pod

Pods are logical hosts and behave much like physical hosts or VMs in the non-container world. Processes running in the same pod are like processes running on the same physical or virtual machine, except that each process is encapsulated in a container

Pods are relatively lightweight, you can have as many as you need without incurring almost any overhead

A pod is also the basic unit of scaling, Kubernetes can’t horizontally scale individual containers

3.2. Creating pods from YAML or JSON descriptors

kubectl get po kubia-zxzij -o yaml

Pod definition包含的内容

  • Kubernetes API version
  • Type of resource the YAML is describing
  • Metadata: Includes the name, namespace, labels and other information about the pod
  • Spec: Contains the actual description of the pod’s contents
  • Status: Contains the current information about the running pod, read-only
    kubectl explain pods
    kubectl create -f kubia-manual.yaml
    kubectl logs kubia-manual(pod name) -c kubia(container name)
    kubectl port-forward kubia-manual 8888:8080

3.3. Organizing pods with labels

As the number of pods increases, the need for categorizing them into subsets becomes more and more evident

Labels are a simple, yet incredibly powerful, Kubernetes feature for organizing not only pods, but all other Kubernetes resources. A label is an arbitrary key-value pair you attach to a resource, which is then utilized when selecting resources using label selectors

kubectl get pod --show-labels
kubectl get pod -L creation_method,env

3.4. Listing subsets of pods through label selectors

Label selectors allow you to select a subset of pods tagged with certain labels and perform an operation on those pods

kubectl get po -l creation_method=manual
kubectl get po -l env
kubectl get po -l '!env'

3.5. Using labels and selectors to constrain pod scheduling

Labels can be attached to any Kubernetes object, including nodes. 可以通过这种方式使得某些pod只会被schedule到某些node上面去, 具体的更改方式参考书本

3.6. Annotating pods

In addition to labels, pods and other objects can also contain annotations. Annotations are also key-value pairs, can hold much larger pieces of information and are primarily meant to be used by tools

kubectl annotate pod kubia-manual mycompany.com/someannotation="foo bar"

3.7. Using namespaces to group resources

Kubernetes namespaces provide a scope for object names, you can split them into multiple namespaces, which also allows you to use the same resource name multiple times

并不是所有的resource都会根据namespace来划分, 比如说node这种硬件资源属于global and not tied to a single namespace

kubectl get ns
kubectl get pod --namespace kube-system

除了isolating resource之外, namespace can also be used for allowing only certain users access to particular resources and even for limiting the amount of computational resources available to individual users

Namespace并不provide any kind of isolation of running objects, 比如说不同的用户将pod deploy到不同的namespace时, 这些pod仍然可以互相交流(根据具体的network设置而定)

3.8. Stopping and removing pods

kubectl delete pod kubia-gpu
kubectl get pod --namespace kube-system
kubectl delete ns custom-namespace
kubectl delete all --all

最后一个命令中, 第一个all说明要删除所有类型的resource, 第二个--all则说明要删除所有名字的resource instance

4. Replication and other controllers: deploying managed pods

Pods represent the basic deployable unit in Kubernetes, 不过在实际中, 我们基本不会直接操作pod, 而是通过其他资源create并且manage pod

4.1. Keeping pods healthy

一旦pod被schedule到某个node之后, 所属node的Kubelet会负责run the container and restart the container if the container’s main process crashes. 对于container而言, 各种各样错误的可能有很多,如果我们一一在程序中检查相对应的异常并尝试作出处理的话, 很可能没有办法cover所有的case, 故而最好的方法是在外部检测application的health, 发现失败之后交由Kubelet进行重启

4.1.1. Intorducing liveness probes

Kubernetes can check if a container is still alive through liveness probes. 一般可以使用以下三种方式

  • HTTP GET: 使用HTTP GET到container的IP和host, 检查HTTP response code是否正常
  • TCP Socket: 尝试对container的某个port建立TCP connection, 建立成功则说明工作正常
  • Exec: Executes an arbitrary command inside the container and checks the command’s exit status code, 0则表示正常

4.1.2. Creating an HTTP-based liveness probe

  - image: luksa/kubia-unhealthy
    name: kubia
        path: /
        port: 8080

4.1.3. Seeing a liveness probe in action

这部分参考书里的例子, 具体不再详述

kubectl logs mypod --previous

4.1.4. Configuring additional properties of the liveness probe

除了基本的liveness probe之外, 我们还可以定义一些其他的properties

  • delay: 在container started之后多久开始进行livenss probe, always remember to set an initial delay to account for your ppa’s startup time
  • timeout: container must response within this timeout
  • period: 多久进行一次probe
  • failures: 可以tolerate多少次failure

4.1.5. Creating effective liveness probes

对于在production环境下运行的pods都应该定义liveness probe, 不然Kubernetes没有办法知道app是alive, 定义liveness probe的时候有以下的best practice

  1. What should check: 比如对于HTTP GET来说, 可以定义一个/health path, 每次访问的时候由app自己进行检测, /health HTTP endpoint shouldn’t require authentication
  2. Keeping probes light: Livensss probe不应该食用过多的computational resource也不应该太花时间, 另外对于运行在JVM上的app, 要使用HTTP GET而不是Exec probe, 因为Exec probe会spin up a whole new JVM to get the liveness information
  3. Don’t bother implementing retry loops in your probes
  4. Liveness probe wrap-up: Monitor和restart container的工作由node上的Kubelet负责完成

4.2. Intorducing ReplicationControllers

4.2.1. The operation of a ReplicationController

A ReplicationController constantly monitors the list f running pods and makes sure the actual number of pods of a “type” always matches the desired number

A ReplicationController has 3 parts:

  • Label selector: 确定在ReplicationController scope中的pods
  • Replica count: Desired number of pods should be running
  • Pod template: Used when creaeting new pod replicas, 更改pod template不会影响现有的pods, 只会对将来创建的pods产生影响

4.2.2. Creating a ReplicationController

具体语法参考书本, 不再详述

4.2.3. Seeing the ReplicationController in action


4.2.4. Moving pods in and out of the scope of a ReplicationController


4.2.5. Changing the pod template

Changing the pod template is like replacing a cookie cutter with another one. It will only affect the cookies you cut out afterward and will not effect on the ones you’ve already cut

4.2.6. Horizontally scalling pods


4.2.7. Deleting a ReplicationController

When you delete a ReplicationController through kubectl delete, the pods are also deleted, you can also choose to delete only the ReplicationController and leave the pods running(by passing --cascade-false option)

4.3. Using ReplicaSets instead of ReplicationControllers

Always create ReplicaSets instead of ReplicationControllers

4.3.1. Comparing a ReplicaSet to a ReplicationController

A ReplicaSet behaves exactly like a ReplicationController, but it has more expressive pod selectors

4.3.2. Defining a ReplicaSet

具体语法参考书本, 不再详述

4.3.3. Creating and examing a ReplicaSet


4.3.4. Using the ReplicaSet’s more expressive label selectors

    - key: app
      operator: In
        - kubia

如果matchLabelsmatchExpressions都有指定, 那么必须要两个条件都满足才算match

4.3.5. Wrapping up ReplicaSets

kubectl delete rs kubia

4.4. Running exactly one pod on each node with DaemonSets

ReplicaSet和ReplicationController只能保证在整个Kubernetes cluster中运行指定数量的pod, 但是对于这些pod在node中的分布则不容易指定. 如果我们希望each node needs to run exactly one instance of the pod, 可以使用DaemonSet

4.4.1. Using a DaemonSet to run a pod on every node

Pods created by a DaemonSet already have a targe node specified and skip the Kubernetes Scheduler. A DaemonSet makes sure it creates as many pods as there are nodes and deploys each one on its own node

4.4.2. Using a DaemonSet to run pods only on certain nodes

使用nodeSelector, 具体里的例子见书本

4.5. Running pods that perform a single completable task

4.5.1. Introducing the Job resource

Kubernetes同时支持Job resource, it allows you to run a pod whose container isn’t restarted when the process running inside finishes successfully

4.5.2. Defining a Job resource

具体例子见书本, 不再详述. 有一个需要注意的property时restartPolicy, 默认的值是Always, 但是Job pod不能使用这个默认policy, 需要将其设置为onFailure或者Never

4.5.3. Seeing a Job run a pod

在Job执行完之后, pod并不会delete, 方便检查log. The pod will be deleted when you delete it or the Job that created it.

4.5.4. Running multiple pod instances in a Job


  • completions: Setting completions to 5 makes this Job run five pods sequentially
  • parallelism: By setting parallelism to 2, the Job creates two Pods and runs them in parallel

4.5.5. Limiting the time allowed for a Job pod to complete


4.6. Scheduling Jobs to run periodically or once in the future

Kubernetes支持CronJob, 在指定的时间, Kubernetes will create a Job resource according to the Job template configured in the CronJob object.

4.6.1. Creating a CronJob

具体例子见书本, 不再详述

4.6.2. Understanding how scheduled jobs are run

在大概指定的时间, Kubernetes会创建Job, Job进而创建pods, 可以使用starrtingDeadlineSeconds规定必须在指定时间多久之后开始, 否则判定为fail

5. Services: enabling clients to dicover and talk to pods

对于一些pod来说, 需要对外提供固定的hostname和port, 即使是某些pod fail, 被scale up, scale down, hostname和port也要保持固定. 为此, Kubernetes提供了Services

5.1. Services

A Kubernetes Service is a resource you create to make a single, constant point of entry to a group of pods providing the same service, 每个service都有固定的IP地址和port, 并且在service存在过程中不会发生变化, client对这个IP地址和port的链接会被转发到这个service背后的某个pod instance

5.1.1. Creating services

创建service使用的YAML descriptor参考书本, 这里不再详述

kubectl get svc

当我们刚刚创建service并使用上面的command去查看时, 很可能看到我们的service被分配了CLUSTER-IP, 但并没有EXTERNAL-IP, CLUSTER-IP只能在Kubernetes cluster内部中使用

kubectl exec command allows us to remotely run arbitrary commands inside an existing container of a pod, 我们可以使用这个命令测试service的CLUSTER-IP

kubectl exec kubia-7nog1 -- curl -s

这里的-- signals the end of command options for kubectl, everything after it is the command that should be executed inside the pod

上面的CLUSTER-ip之后对应多个pod, 因此我们的request很可能被转发到任意一个pod, 如果想要all requests made by a certain client to be redirected to the same pod every time, you can set the sessionAffinity property to ClusterIP(默认为None). Kubernetes暂时不支持cookie-based session affinity, 因为Kubernetes Service deal with TCP and UDP packages and don’t care about the payload they carry. 因为cookies是在HTTP protocol中, service并不知道它们

另外在创建Service时, 尽量使用named port, 这样就把port number的定义固定在了pod spec中

5.1.2. Discovering services

虽然Service的IP地址和port在Service存在期间不会发生改变, 怎么样让其他的Service发现它也是需要考虑的问题, 通常有以下几种方法

(1) 使用Environment Variables

当创建pod的时候, Kubernetes会初始化一系列的环境变量, 而这些环境变量指向当时已知的services. If we create the service before creating the client pods, processes in those pods can get the IP address and port of the service by inspecting their environment variables. 如果我们的Service name为kubia, 那么对应的环境变量就是KUBIA_SERVICE_HOST, KUBIA_SERVICE_PORT, -会被转化成_

(2) 使用DNS

Kubernetes cluster自带DNS server, 任何pod的DNS query都会先经过cluster的DNS server, 而每一个service都会得到fully qualified domain name(FQDN)

<service name>.<namespace>.<configurable cluster domain suffix>

我们仍然需要port number, 如果service使用的是默认端口则没问题(80 for HTTP), 否则还是要从environment variable中得到

另外需要注意的是, ssh到某个container中ping service name是行不通的. That’s because the service’s cluster IP is a virtual IP, and only has meaning when combined with the service port

$ kubectl exec -it kubia-3inly bash

root@kubia-3inly:/# curl http://kubia
You’ve hit kubia-8awf3

root@kubia-3inly:/# ping kubia
PING kubia.default.svc.cluster.local ( 56 data bytes
^C--- kubia.default.svc.cluster.local ping statistics ---
54 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

5.2. Connecting to services living outside the cluster

5.2.1. Introducing service endpoints

Services并不是直接与pod打交道, Endpoint在中间起到桥梁的作用. Endpoints resource is a list of IP addresses and ports exposing a service. Service中的pod selector会被用来build a list of IPs and ports, which is then stored in the Endpoint resources. 当client连接到service的时候, service proxy会选择其中一个并且将incoming connection redirect到那里

5.2.2. Manually configuring service endpoints

将Service和它的endpoints分开让我们能够分别创建和更新这两种资源, 如果我们创建Service但并没有pod selector的话, Kubernetes不会为其创建endpoint, endpoints are a separate resource and not an attribute of a service

关于如何manually创建endpoint, 见书本

5.2.3. Creating an alias for an external service

Create a Service resource with the type field set to ExternalName. ExternalName services are implemented solely at the DNS level-a simpe CNAME DNS record is created for the service.

5.3. Exposing services to external clients

有以下几种方式to make a service accessible externally:

  • Setting the service type to NodePort: 对于NodePort service, 每个cluster node都会在开一个port并且将这个port收到的traffic redirect到underlying service
  • Setting the service type to LoadBalancer: 是基于NodePort的一种延申, this makes the service accessible through a dedicated load balancer, provisioned from the cloud infrastructure Kubernetes is running on
  • Creating an Ingress resource: 它在HTTP层工作

5.3.1. Using a NodePort service

通过创建NodePort service, you make Kubernetes reserve a port on all its nodes and forward incoming connections to the pods that are part of the service

具体的YAML语法见书本, 它本质上是Service的一种类型, 并不是像Endpoint一样是新的resource

缺点是我们只能通过node的ip地址去访问, 如果某个node fail只能手动切换另一个node的ip地址

5.3.2. Exposing a service through an external load balancer

The load balancer will have its own unique, publicly accessible IP address and will redirect all connections to your service, 它是NodePort的extension

具体的YAML语法见书本, 它本质上也是Service的一种类型

5.3.3. Understanding the peculiarities of external connections

在我们使用load balancer时request的流程是client -> load balander -> pod, 可见中间多了一层hop. When the connection is received through a node port, the packets’ source IP is changed, because Source Network Address Translation(SNAT) is performed on the packets.

5.4. Exposing services externally through an Ingress resource

在我们有多个services的时候, 如果使用LoadBalander的话那么对于每个service都要创建, 然而Ingress只需要创建一个. Ingress operate at the application layer of the network stack(HTTP) and can provide features such as cookie-based session affinity and the like

如果想要使用Ingress的话, 整个cluster里必须有Ingress controller, 不同的Kubernetes环境对于controller有不同的实现, 甚至有些会不提供Ingress controller

5.4.1. Creating an Ingress resource


5.4.2. Accessing the service through the Ingress

想要通过URL访问service的话, you need to make sure the domain name resolves to the IP of the Ingress controller, 可以使用下面的命令得到在ingress中domain对应的IP

kubectl get ingresses

Accessing pods through an Ingress

5.4.3. Exposing multiple services through the same Ingress


5.4.4. Configuring Ingress to handle TLS traffic


5.5. Signling when a pod is ready to accept connections

5.5.1. Introducing readiness probes

Liveness probes can keep your apps healthy by ensuring unhealthy containers are restarted automatically. Similar to liveness probes, Kubernetes allows you to also define a readiness probe for your pod. The readiness probe is invoked periodically and determines whether the specific pod should receive client requests or not.

和liveness pod相似, readiness pod也有三种

  • Exec probe
  • HTTP GET probe
  • TCP socket probe: If TCP connection can be established to a specific port of the pod, the container is considered ready

当container start的时候, wait for a configurable amount of time to pass before performing the first readiness check. After that, it invokes the probe periodically and acts based on the result of the readiness probe. 与liveness probe不同的是, if a container fails the readiness check, it won’t be killed or restarted. Liveness probes keep pods healthy by killing off unhealthy containers and replacing them with new, healthy ones, whereas readiness probes make sure that only pods that are ready to serve requests receive them

当readiness probe fail的时候, 对应的pod会被移出Endpoints. A readiness probe makes sure clients only talk to those healthy pods and never notice there’s anything wrong with the system

5.5.2. Adding a readiness probe to a pod

可以通过更改ReplicaSet/ReplicationController的pod template来实现, 但要注意的是更改pod template对现有的pod无效, 只对将来的pod有效

5.5.3. Understanding what real-world readiness probes should do

在production service中, always define a readiness probe. If you don’t add a readiness probe to your pods, they’ll become service endpoints almost immediately, 但实际上service可能还没准备好

5.6. Using a headless service for discovering individual pods

对于需要connect所有pod的client, 它需要知道每个pod的IP地址, by setting the clusterIP field to None in service specification, the DNS server will return the pod IPs instead of the single service IP.

5.6.1. Creating a headless service

Setting the clusterIP field in a service spec to None makes the service headless

5.6.2. Discovering pods through DNS

$ kubectl exec dnsutils nslookup kubia-headless
Name: kubia-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
Name: kubia-headless.default.svc.cluster.local

当client链接headeless service的时候, DNS会返回所有pod的IP地址, 这时的load balancing为DNS round-robin, 而不是service proxy

5.6.3. Discovering all pods-even thoses that aren’t ready

service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints: "true"

5.7. Troubleshooting services


6. Volumes: attaching disk storage to containers

Each container in a pod has its own isolated filesystem, because the file system comes from the container’s image. If container restarted, new container will not see anything that was written to the filesystem by the previous container, even though the newly started container runs in the same pod

Volume是一个pod的概念, 因此无论pod中的container怎样重启, 都能看到volume中的数据, 在同一个pod里多个container也可以使用相同的volume

6.1. Introducing volumes

Kubernetes volumes are a component of a pod and are thus defined in the pod’s specification. A volume is available to all containers in the pod, but it must be mounted in each container that needs to access it.

6.1.1. Explaining volumes in an example

Three containers sharing two volumes

Linux allows you to mount a filesystem at arbitrary locations in the file tree. When you do that, the contents of the mounted filesystem are accessible in the directory it’s mounted into

6.1.2. Introducing abailable volume types

  • emptyDir: A simple empty directory used for storing transient data
  • hostPath: Used for mounting directories from the worker node’s filesystem into the pod
  • gitRepo: Initialized by checking out the contents of a Git repository
  • nfs: An NFS share mounted into the pod
  • gcePersistentDisk, awsElasticBlockStore, azureDisk
  • cinder, cephfs, iscsi, flocker, glusterfs, quobyte, rbd, flexVolume: Network storage
  • configMap, secret, downwardAPI: Special types of volumes
  • persistentVolumeClaim - A way to use a pre- or dynamically provisioned persistent storage

A single pod can use multiple volumes of different types at the same time

6.2. Using volumes to share data between containers

6.2.1. Using an emptyDir volume

emptyDir会创建一个空的directory, apps可以向其中写入数据, 但是它作为一个volume, lifetime与pod绑定在一起, 当pod消失的时候其中的数据也会消失. 默认情况下emptyDir会在the worker node hosting the pod上创建volume


6.2.2. Using a Git repository as the starting point for a volume

emptyDir相同, 只不过会预先将指定的repo clone下来, 注意它不会主动去sync remote. 具体的sync工作可以另外创建一个sidecar container完成, sidecar container指的是a container that augments the operation of the main container of the pod

6.3. Accessing files on the worker node’s filesystem

6.3.1. Intorducing the hostPath volume

A hostPath volume points to a specific file or directory on the node’s filesystem. Pods running on the same node and using the same path in their hostPath volume see the same files. 不要使用hostPath做DB的storage, pod可能会被schedule到不同的node上面, 因此看到的数据会不同

6.3.2. Examing system pods that use hostPath volumes

具体例子见书本, 不要用hostPath存储persistent data, 它应该只用来读写system files

6.4. Using persistent storage

6.4.1. Using a GCE Persistent Disk in a pod volume


6.4.2. Using other types of volumes with underlying persistent storage


另外在pod中定义硬件类型不是一个好的选择, 这意味着pod的定义会与具体的cluster联系起来, 不能起到在各处都能运行的效果

6.5. Decoupling pods from the underlying storage technology

6.5.1. Introducing PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims

PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims

6.5.2. Creating a PersistentVolume


PersistentVolumes don’t belong to any namespace, they’re cluster-level resources like nodes

6.5.3. Claiming a PersistentVolume by creating a PersistentVolumeClaim

Need to claim the PersistentVolume first before we can use them in the pods


kubectl get pvc

有三种access modes

  • RWO(ReadWriteOnce): 只能被一个node mount并读写
  • ROX(ReadOnlyMany): 可以被多个node mount并读
  • RWX(ReadWriteMany): 可以被多个node mount并读写

注意以上限制都是针对node而言, 并不是针对pod的数量

6.5.4. Using a PersistentVolumeClaim in a pod


6.5.5. Understanding the benefits of using PersistentVolumes and claims

Comparison of Using Storage

6.5.6. Recycling PersistentVolumes

当pod删除之后, 它所使用PersistentVolumed的状态会显示为Released, not Available. 在persistentVolumeReclaimPolicyRetain的情况下, as far as the aurthor knows(at that time), the only way to manually recycle PersistentVolume to make it available again is to delete and recreate it

另外两种reclaim policy是Recycle和Delete, Recycle会将volume的内容删除并让其available again, 而Delete则会连带内容和volume

6.6. Dynamic provisioning of PersistentVolumes

Instead of the administrator pre-provisioning a bunch of PersistentVolumes, they need to define one or two (or more) StorageClasses and let the system create a new PersistentVolume each time one is requested through a PersistentVolumeClaim

6.6.1. Defining the available storage types through StorageClass resources


6.6.2. Requesting the storage class in a PersistentVolumeClaim

After the StorageClass resource is created, users can refer to the storage class by name in their PersistentVolumeClaims.


6.6.3. Dynamic provisioning without specifying a storage class

Kubernetes会创建一个默认的StorageClass, 如果在PersistenVolumeClaim中没有指定StorageClass的话, 默认的就会使用

Explicitly set storageClassName to “” if you want the PVC to use a preprovisioned PersistentVolume.

Dynamic Provisioning of PV

7. ConfigMaps and Secrets: configuring applications

7.1. Configuring containerized applications


  • Passing command-line arguments to containers
  • Setting custom environment variables for each container
  • Mounting configuration files into containers through a special type of volume

7.2. Passing command-line arguments to containers

7.2.1 Defining the command and arguments in Docker

The whole command that gets executed in the Docker container is composed fo two parts: the command and the arguments

  • ENTRYPOINT: Defines the executable invoked when the container is started
  • CMD: Specifies the argument that get passed to the ENTRYPOINT


  • shell form: ENTRYPOINT node app.js
  • exec form: ENTRYPOINT ["node", "app.js"]

在shell方式下会先启动一个shell, 然后再在上面启动process, 而这一步是完全不需要的, 所以要使用exec方式

7.2.2. Overriding the command and arguments in Kubernetes

在Kubernete中定义pod的时候, 可以override ENTRYPOINT和CMD

7.3. Setting environment variables for a container

Like the container’s command and arguments, the list of environment variables also cannot be updated after the pod is created

7.3.1. Specifying environment variables in a container definition

具体语法见书本, 不再详述

7.3.2. Referring to other environment variables in a variable’s value


7.3.3. Understanding the drawback of hardcoding environment variables

安全性, 复用性

7.4. Decoupling configuration with a ConfigMap

7.4.1. Introducing ConfigMaps

Kubernetes allows separating configuration options into a separate object called a ConfigMap, which is a map containing key/value pairs with the values ranging from short literals to full config files

An application doesn’t need to read the ConfigMap directly or even know that it exists. The contents of the map are instead passed to containers as either environment variables or as files in a volume

7.4.2. Creating a ConfigMap


7.4.3. Passing a ConfigMap entry to a container as an environment variable


7.4.4. Passing all entries of a ConfigMap as environment variables at once


7.4.5. Passing a ConfigMap entry as a command-line argument

基于environment variable, 在args中指定environment variable

7.4.6. Using a ConfigMap volume to expose ConfigMap entries as files

A configMap volume will expose each entry of the ConfigMap as a file


Mounting a directory hides existing files in that directory, 可以指定要mount的file, 这样同一个directory的其他文件不会被隐藏

默认情况下configMap volume中的file permission为644(-rw-r-r–), 可以更改

7.4.7. Updating an app’s config without having to restart the app

更改configMap会导致configMap volume中的内容被更改, container可能会发现这个更改(视具体container中app的逻辑而定). All the files are updated atomically, which means all updates occur at once

One big caveat relates to updating ConfigMap-backed volumes. If you’ve mounted a single file in the container instead of the whole volume, the file will not be updated

If the app does support reloading, modifying the ConfigMap usually isn’t such a big deal, but you do need to be aware that because files in the ConfigMap volumes aren’t updated synchronously across all running instances, the files in individual pods may be out of sync for up to a whole minute

7.5. Using Secrets to pass sensitive data to containers

7.5.1. Introducing Secrets

Kubernetes helps keep your Secrets safe by making sure each Secret is only distributed to the nodes that run the pods that need access to the Secret. Also, on the nodes themselves, Secrets are always stored in memory and never written to physical storage. etcd stores Secrets in encrypted form, making the system much more secure

7.5.2. Introduing the default token Secret

By default, the default-token Secret is mounted into every container

`default-token` Secret Mount

7.5.3. Creating a Secret


7.5.4. Comparing ConfigMaps and Secrets

kubectl get secret fortune-https -o yaml
kubectl get configmap fortune-config -o yaml

The contents of a Secret’s entries are shown as Base64-encoded strings, whereas those of a ConfigMap are shown in clear text

You can use Secrets even for non-sensitive binary data, but be aware that the maximum size of a Secret is limited to 1MB

The stringData field is write-only (note: write-only, not read-only). It can only be used to set values. When you retrieve the Secret’s YAML with kubectl get -o yaml, the stringData field will not be shown

7.5.5. Using the Secret in a pod


7.5.6. Understanding image pull Secrets

Secrets不仅可以pass给application, 同样可以作为private Docker Hub的credential

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry mydockerhubsecret \
 --docker-username=myusername --docker-password=mypassword \ 

8. Accessing pod metadata and other resources from applications

8.1. Passing metadata through the Downward API

Kubernetes Downward API allows you to pass metadata about the pod and its environment through environment variables or files (in a downwardAPI volume). It isn’t like a REST endpoint that your app needs to hit so it can get the data. It’s a way of having environment variables or files populated with values from the pod’s specification or status

 The Downward API exposes pod metadata through environment variables or files

8.1.1. Understanding the available metadata

以下信息可以从Downward API获取:

  • The pod’s name
  • The pod’s IP address
  • The namespace the pod belongs to
  • The name of the node the pod is running on
  • The name of the service account the pod is running under
  • The CPU and memory requests for each container
  • The CPU and memory limits for each container
  • The pod’s labels
  • The pod’s annotations

8.1.2. Exposing metadata through environment variables


Pod metadata and attributes can be exposed to the pod through environment variables

8.1.3. Passing metadata through files in a downwardAPI volume

You must use a downwardAPI volume for exposing the pod’s labels or its annotations, because neither can be exposed through environment variables


But the metadata available through the Downward API is fairly limited. If you need more, you’ll need to obtain it from the Kubernetes API server directly

8.2. Talking to the Kubernetes API server

8.2.1. Exploring the Kubernetes REST API

$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at

The kubectl proxy command runs a proxy server that accepts HTTP connections on your local machine and proxies them to the API server while taking care of authentication

$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on

$ curl http://localhost:8001/apis/batch/v1

8.2.2. Talking to the API server from within a pod

To talk to the API server from inside a pod, you need to take care of three things

  • Find the location of the API server
  • Make sure you’re talking to the API server and not something impersonating it
  • Authenticate with the server; otherwise it won’t let you see or do anything


Recap how an app running inside a pod can access the Kubernetes API properly

  • The app should verify whether the API server’s certificate is signed by the certificate authority
  • The app should authenticate itself by sending the Authorization header with the bearer token
  • The namespace file should be used to pass the namespace to the API server when performing CRUD operations on API objects inside the pod’s namespace

 Using the files from the default-token Secret to talk to the API server

8.2.3. Simplifying API server communication with ambassador containers

You can run kubectl proxy in an ambassador container alongside the main container and communicate with the API server through it


8.2.4. Using client libraries to talk to the API server

If you plan on doing more than simple API requests, it’s better to use one of the existing Kubernetes API client libraries.


9. Deployments: updating applications declaratively

Deployment helps to update apps running in a Kubernetes cluster and how Kubernetes with zero-downtime update process

9.1. Updating applications running in pods

通常我们有两种方法来update pod

  • Delete all existing pods first and then start the new ones
  • Start new ones and, once they’re up, delete the old ones

9.1.1. Deleting old pods and replacing them with new ones

Updating pods by changing a ReplicationController’s pod template and deleting old Pods

9.1.2. Spinning up new pods and then deleting the old ones

Switching a Service from the old pods to the new ones

9.2. Performing an automatic rolling update with a ReplicationController


kubectl rolling-update kubia-v1 kubia-v2 --image=luksa/kubia:v2

kubectl rolling-update

For kubectl rolling-update, update process is being performed by the client, if you lost network connectivity while kubectl was performing the update? The update process would be interrupted mid-way. Pods and ReplicationControllers would end up in an intermediate state. And it’s imperative, not declaratively

9.3. Using Deployments for updating apps declaratively

A Deployment is a higher-level resource meant for deploying applications and updating them declaratively. When you create a Deployment, a ReplicaSet resource is created underneath (eventually more of them)

In Deployment, you’re defining the desired state through the single Deployment resource and letting Kubernetes take care of the rest

9.3.1. Creating a Deployment


kubectl create -f kubia-deployment-v1.yaml --record 
$ kubectl get pod
kubia-1506449474-otnnh 1/1 Running 0 14s
kubia-1506449474-vmn7s 1/1 Running 0 14s
kubia-1506449474-xis6m 1/1 Running 0 14s

Deployment doesn’t manage pods directly. Instead, it creates ReplicaSets and leaves the managing to them, 上面输出中的1506449474是ReplicaSet

9.3.2. Updating a Deployment

When updating, the only thing you need to do is modify the pod template defined in the Deployment resource and Kubernetes will take all the steps necessary to get the actual system state to what’s defined in the resource

Be aware that if the pod template in the Deployment references a ConfigMap (or a Secret), modifying the ConfigMap will not trigger an update

默认的strategy是RollingUpdate, 它会remove old pods one by one, while adding new ones at the same time, keeping the application available throughout the whole process, and ensuring there’s no drop in its capacity to handle requests

在更新下一个版本之后, Deployment之前创建的ReplicaSet并不会删除, 这样可以提供roll back

9.3.3. Rolling back a deployment

$ kubectl rollout undo deployment kubia
deployment "kubia" rolled back
$ kubectl rollout history deployment kubia
deployments "kubia":
2 kubectl set image deployment kubia nodejs=luksa/kubia:v2
3 kubectl set image deployment kubia nodejs=luksa/kubia:v3

$ kubectl rollout undo deployment kubia --to-revision=1

Each ReplicaSet stores the complete information of the Deployment at that specific revision, so you shouldn’t delete it manually, 具体存储多少revision history可以由Deployment中的reversionHistoryLimit指定

9.3.4. Controlling the rate of the rollout


9.3.5. Pausing the rollout process

$ kubectl set image deployment kubia nodejs=luksa/kubia:v4
deployment "kubia" image updated

$ kubectl rollout pause deployment kubia
deployment "kubia" paused

$ kubectl rollout resume deployment kubia
deployment "kubia" resumed

If a Deployment is paused, the undo command won’t undo it until you resume the Deployment

9.3.6. Blocking rollouts of bad versions

The minReadySeconds property specifies how long a newly created pod should be ready before the pod is treated as available. A pod is ready when readiness probes of all its containers return a success

如果没有定义readiness probe的话, the container and the pod were always considered ready, even if the app wasn’t truly ready or was returning errors

The time after which the Deployment is considered failed is configurable through the progressDeadlineSeconds property in the Deployment spec.

10. StatefulSets: deploying replicated stateful applications

10.1. Replicating stateful pods

ReplicaSets create multiple pod replicas from a single pod template. These replicas don’t differ from each other, apart from their name and IP address. If the pod template includes a volume, which refers to a specific PersistentVolumeClaim, all replicas of the ReplicaSet will use the exact same PersistentVolumeClaim and therefore the same PersistentVolume bound by the claim

ReplicaSet with PVC

You can’t use a ReplicaSet to run a distributed data store

10.1.1. Running multiple replicas with separate storage for each

书里介绍了几种不work的方法, 还是很有助于拓宽思路

10.1.2. Providing a stable identity for each pod

When a ReplicaSet replaces a pod, the new pod is a completely new pod with a new hostname and IP, 而且之前的data也可能丢掉了, 这两种情况都有问题

10.2. Understanding StatefulSets

10.2.1. Comparing StatefulSets with ReplicaSets

Pets VS Cattle

When a stateful pod instance dies (or the node it’s running on fails), the pod instance needs to be resurrected on another node, but the new instance needs to get the same name, network identity, and state as the one it’s replacing

A StatefulSet makes sure pods are rescheduled in such a way that they retain their identity and state. It also allows you to easily scale the number of pets up and down

10.2.2. Providing a stable network identity

Each pod created by a StatefulSet is assigned an ordinal index (zero-based), which is then used to derive the pod’s name and hostname, and to attach stable storage to the pod

StatefulSet需要创建一个governing headless Service, 通过这个Service每个pod都得到自己的DNS entry, 因此它的peers和other clients可以通过这个hostname找到它. 假如governing Service属于default namespace并且名字是foo,其中某个pod叫做A-0,那么可以通过a-0.foo.default.svc.cluster.local和pod交流

StatefulSet Replace

Scaling the StatefulSet creates a new pod instance with the next unused ordinal index. Scaling down a StatefulSet always removes the instances with the highest ordinal index first, StatefulSets scale down only one pod instance at a time, StatefulSets also never permit scale-down operations if any of the instances are unhealthy

10.2.3. Providing stable dedicated storage to each stateful instance

StatefulSet can also have one or more volume claim templates, which enable it to stamp out PersistentVolumeClaims along with each pod instance. Scaling down StatefulSet deletes only the pod, leaving the claims alone, a subsequent scale-up can reattach the same claim along with the bound PersistentVolume and its contents to the new pod instance

StatefulSets with PV

StatefulSets Scaling with PV

10.2.4. Understanding StatefulSet guarantees

StatefulSet保证at-most-once, 也就是说两个具有相同identity并且使用同一个PersistentVolumeClaim的pod instances不可能同时运行, StatefulSet must be absolutely certain that a pod is no longer running before it can create a replacement pod. This has a big effect on how node failures are handled

10.3. Using a StatefulSet


10.4. Discovering peers in a StatefulSet

For a pod to get a list of all the other pods of a StatefulSet, all you need to do is perform an SRV DNS lookup.

10.5. Understanding how StatefulSets deal with node failures

如果我们将其中一个node的网断掉, 它的Kubelet就没有办法与Kubernetes API server进行交流, incident相对应的pod状态会变成NotReady, 如果control plane一直没有办法得到pod的status updates, pod的状态就会变成Unknown, if the pod’s status remains unknown for more than a few minutes (this time is configurable), the pod is automatically evicted from the node. This is done by the master

正常状态下删除某个pod需要对应node上Kubelet的确认, 也可以使用下面的command在没有Kubelet确认的情况下删除pod

$ kubectl delete po kubia-0 --force --grace-period 0
warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running 
resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the 
cluster indefinitely.
pod "kubia-0" deleted


11. Understanding Kubernetes internals

11.1. Understanding the architecture

Kubernetes cluster分成两部分

  • The Kubernetes Control Plane
  • The (worker) nodes

Control Plane is what controls and makes the whole cluster function

  • The etcd distributed persistent storage
  • The API server
  • The Scheduler
  • The Controller Manager

Worker nodes的组成如下

  • The Kubelet
  • The Kubernetes Service Proxy(kube-proxy)
  • The Container Runtime(Docker, rkt or others)

除了control plane和worker node之外, Kubernetes cluster还有一些add-on components

  • The Kubernetes DNS server
  • The Dashboard
  • An Ingress controller
  • Heapster
  • The Container Network Interface network plugin

11.1.1. The distributed nature of Kubernetes components

Kubernetes Components

$ kubectl get componentstatuses
scheduler Healthy ok
controller-manager Healthy ok
etcd-0 Healthy {"health": "true"}

Kubernetes的系统部件只和API server交流, 它们并不互相交流. API server是唯一与etcd交流的component, 其他的components都不会与etcd直接交流, 它们通过与API server的交流来更改etcd. API server与其他components之间的connection基本都是由components发起

Worker node的components都需要在同一个node上运行, 但是Control Plane的components可以在多个server上运行. etcd和API server可以有多个, 但是scheduler和controller manager只能有一个active

Control Plane的components和kube-proxy, 都可以直接deploy到system或者run as pods

$ kubectl get po -o custom-columns=POD:metadata.name,NODE:spec.nodeName 
➥ --sort-by spec.nodeName -n kube-system
kube-controller-manager-master master 
kube-dns-2334855451-37d9k master 
etcd-master master 
kube-apiserver-master master 
kube-scheduler-master master 
kube-flannel-ds-tgj9k node1 
kube-proxy-ny3xm node1 
kube-flannel-ds-0eek8 node2 
kube-proxy-sp362 node2 
kube-flannel-ds-r5yf4 node3 
kube-proxy-og9ac node3 

As you can see in the listing, all the Control Plane components are running as pods on the master node. There are three worker nodes, and each one runs the kube-proxy and a Flannel pod, which provides the overlay network for the pods

11.1.2. How Kubernetes uses etcd

etcd是一个fast, distributed and consistent key-value store, 它使用Raft算法来保证consistency, 所以一般要由3-7个instance, 在Kubernetes中, 唯一与它交流的component是API server. 这样带来的好处是可以使用更加robust optimistic locking system和validation, 并且支持切换底层存储

关于optimistic concurrency control, 每一份data都有version number, 每次data被update的时候version number就会增加. When updating the data, the version number is checked to see if it has increased between the time the client read the data and the time it submits the update


$ etcdctl ls /registry

11.1.3. What the API server does

API server负责处理其他所有components和clients(比如kubectl)对data的CRUD操作(RESTful API), 同时他也会对request做validation并perform optimistic locking

The operation of the API server

在处理HTTP request的时候, API server有3个步骤

  • Authenticate the client: 由API server中的一个或者多个authentication plugin提供
  • Authorize the client: 确保client有足够的permission进行要求的操作
  • Validate/Admission: 对resource object进行validation和enrich, 由admission control plugin负责

注意如果只是读请求的话, request并不需要通过admission control

11.1.4. Understanding how the API server notifies client of resource changes

API server只会操作etcd里的数据, 它不会创建pod, 不会创建ReplicaSet也不会manage endpoint, 这些都是由Controller Manager中的controller负责. 这些controllers可以observe API server的changes来得到更新

Clients watch for changes by opening an HTTP connection to the API server. Through this connection, the client will then receive a stream of modifications to the watched objects

Watch changes in API server

11.1.5. Understanding the Scheduler

Scheduler会通过API server的watch功能得知有新的pod需要被创建, 然后它就会给每个需要被创建的新pod assign某个node. All the Scheduler does is update the pod definition through the API server. The API server then notifies the Kubelet (again, through the watch mechanism described previously) that the pod has been scheduled


  • 首先会进行filtering, 得到可以schedule当前pod的node, 这一步可能是根据label, node capacity等等因素
  • 从可行的node里选出最好的一个, 如果多个node的score一样则round-robin

可以通过在pod里指定schedulerName来使用不同的Scheduler implementation, 默认值是default-scheduler

11.1.6. Introducing the controllers running in the Controller Manager

API server只负责更改etcd, 而Scheduler只是给pod选择node, 因此我们需要其他active components保证actual state of the system converges toward the desired state, as specified in the resource deployed through the API server. This work is done by controllers running inside the Controllder Manager. The single Controller Manager process performing various reconciliation tasks. Eventually those controllers will be split up into separate processes. 基本上对于每个Kuberntes resource(ReplicaSet, Deployment, Node, Service)都有对应的controller

通常来说, controllers run a reconciliation loop, which reconciles the actual state with the desired state(specified in the spec section) and writes the new actual state to the resource’s status section. Controllers同样会使用watch机制来得到更新, 但使用watch机制并不能保证不会miss任何一个event, 所以它们会定时进行re-list操作来保证没有丢失任何消息. Controllers不会互相交流

Controllers operate on the API objects through the API server. They don’t communicate with the Kubelets directly or issue any kind of instructions to them. In fact, they don’t even know Kubelets exist. After a controller updates a resource in the API server, the Kubelets and Kubernetes Service Proxies, also oblivious of the controllers’ existence, perform their work, such as spinning up a pod’s containers and attaching network storage to them, or in the case of services, setting up the actual load balancing across pods

11.1.7. What the Kubelete does

Kubelet is the component responsible for everything running on a worker node. Its initial job is to register the node it’s running on by creating a Node resource in the API server. Then it needs to continuously monitor the API server for Pods that have been scheduled to the node, and start the pod’s containers. 它不会直接去启动pod, 而是告知container runtime(Docker, rkt,…)去做这件事情, 之后constantly monitors running containers并且报告它们的status, events和resource consumption给API server

Kubelet同时也会负责运行liveness probes, 重启failed containers, 并且会terminate containers当Pod删除的时候并将删除结果告知API server

理论上来说只要有Kubelet我们就可以run pod而不需要API server, 这个功能在运行containerized versions of the Control Plane components时会使用

The Kubelet runs pods based on pod specs from the API server and a local file directory

11.1.8. The role of the Kubernetes Service Proxy

kube-proxy会保证clients can connect to the services you define through the Kubernetes API. When a service is backed by more than one pod, the proxy performs load balancing across those pods

11.1.9. Introducing Kubernetes add-ons

These components are available as add-ons and are deployed as pods by submitting YAML manifests to the API server

11.2. How controllers cooperate

11.2.1. Understanding which components are involved

在Kubernetes cluster中没有任何任务的时候, controllers, Scheduler和Kubelet就已经在观察API server的更新

Kubernetes components watching API objects through the API server

11.2.2. The chain of events

The chain of events that unfolds when a Deployment resource is posted to the API server

11.2.3. Observing cluster events

Control Plane components和Kubelet都会在它们perform actions的时候向API server发送events, 它们会创建Event resource

$ kubectl get events --watch
... kubia Deployment ScalingReplicaSet deployment-controller 
 ➥ Scaled up replica set kubia-193 to 3
... kubia-193 ReplicaSet SuccessfulCreate replicaset-controller 
 ➥ Created pod: kubia-193-w7ll2
... kubia-193-tpg6j Pod Scheduled default-scheduler 
 ➥ Successfully assigned kubia-193-tpg6j to node1
... kubia-193 ReplicaSet SuccessfulCreate replicaset-controller 
 ➥ Created pod: kubia-193-39590
... kubia-193 ReplicaSet SuccessfulCreate replicaset-controller 
 ➥ Created pod: kubia-193-tpg6j
  • SOURCE: Controller performing the action
  • NAME: Resource name
  • KIND: Controller name
  • REASON/MESSAGE: Details about what the controller has done

11.3. Understanding what a running pod is

如果我们仅仅使用kubectl run nginx --image=nginx启动一个container, 之后如果我们详细inspect的话会发现一个pause container

docker@minikubeVM:~$ docker ps
c917a6f3c3f7 nginx "nginx -g 'daemon off" 4 seconds ago 
98b8bf797174 gcr.io/.../pause:3.0 "/pause" 7 seconds ago

This pause container is the container that holds all the containers of a pod together. The pause container is an infrastructure container whose sole purpose is to hold all these namespaces(Linux namespaces). All other used-defined containers of a pod then use the namespaces of the pod infrastructure container. 这个container的生命周期与pod紧密联系在一起, 如果这个pod被kill掉了, Kubelet会重启它和pod里的所有container

A two-container pod results in three running containers sharing the same Linux namespaces

11.4. Inter-pod networking

The network the pods use to communicate must be such that the IP address a pod sees as its own is the exact same address that all other pods see as the IP address of the pod in question, but when a pod communicates with services out on the internet, the source IP of the packets the pod sends does need to be changed, because the pod’s IP is private

这部分设计到部分network的知识, 暂时略过

11.5. How services are implemented

11.5.1. Introducing the kube-proxy

Everything related to Services is handled by the kube-proxy process running on each node

11.5.2. How kube-proxy uses iptables

When a service is created in the API server, the virtual IP address is assigned to it immediately. Soon afterward, the API server notifies all kube-proxy agents running on the worker nodes that a new Service has been created. Then, each kube-proxy makes that service addressable on the node it’s running on. It does this by setting up a few iptables rules, which make sure each packet destined for the service IP/port pair is intercepted and its destination address modified, so the packet is redirected to one of the pods backing the service.

Network packets sent to a Service’s virtual IP/port pair are modified and redirected to a randomly selected backend pod

11.6. Running highly available clusters

11.6.1. Making your apps highly available

  • Running multiple instances to reduce the likelihood of downtime
  • Using leader-election for non-horizontally scalable apps

11.6.2. Making Kubernetes Control Plane components highly available

A highly-available cluster with three master nodes

12. Securing the Kubernetes API server

12.1. Understanding authentication

API server can be configured with one or more authentication plugins, it stops invoking the remaining authentication plugins and continues onto the authorization phase

12.1.1. Users and groups

An authentication plugin returns the username and group(s) of the authenticated user. 通常来说系统内可能有两种user

  • Actual humans(users): SSO(Single Sign On) system
  • Pods(applications running inside them): Use service accounts, created and stored in the cluster as ServiceAccount resources

Groups returned by the plugin are nothing but strings, representing arbitrary group names

12.1.2. Introducing ServiceAccounts

Every pod is associated with a ServiceAccount, which represents the identity of the app running in the pod. ServiceAccount usernames are formatted like this:

system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<service account name>

The API server passes this username to the configured authorization plugins, which determine whether the action the app is trying to perform is allowed to be performed by the ServiceAccount.

A default ServiceAccount is automatically created for each namespace. Each pod is associated with exactly one ServiceAccount, but multiple pods can use the same ServiceAccount, a pod can only use a ServiceAccount from the same namespace.

12.1.3. Creating ServiceAccounts

12.1.4 Assigning a ServiceAccount to a pod


12.2. Securing the cluster with role-based access control

RBAC prevents unauthorized users from viewing or modifying the cluster state. The default ServiceAccount isn’t allowed to view cluster state, let alone modify it in any way, unless you grant it additional privileges

12.2.1 Introducing the RBAC authorization plugin

A subject (which may be a human, a ServiceAccount, or a group of users or ServiceAccounts) is associated with one or more roles and each role is allowed to perform certain verbs on certain resources

12.2.2 Introducing RBAC resources

RBAC authorization rules是通过两类四种resource来完成的

  • Roles and ClusterRoles: 指定在哪些资源上可以进行哪些操作(which verb)
  • RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings: Bind the above roles to specific users, groups or ServiceAccounts

Roles define what can be done, while bindings define who can do it. Role and RoleBinding are namespaced resources, whereas the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding are cluster-level resources (not namespaced)

Roles and RoleBindings are namespaced; ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings aren’t)

12.2.3. Using Roles and RoleBindings

A Role resource defines what actions can be taken on which resources


12.2.4 Using ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings

To grant access to cluster-level resources, you must always use a ClusterRoleBinding

We’ve mentioned that the API server also exposes non-resource URLs. Access to these URLs must also be granted explicitly; otherwise the API server will reject the client’s request

ClusterRoles don’t always need to be bound with cluster-level ClusterRoleBindings. They can also be bound with regular, namespaced RoleBindings. If you create a ClusterRoleBinding and reference the ClusterRole in it, the subjects listed in the binding can view the specified resources across all namespaces. If, on the other hand, you create a RoleBinding, the subjects listed in the binding can only view resources in the namespace of the RoleBinding

Combining a ClusterRoleBinding with a ClusterRole referring to namespaced resources allows the pod to access namespaced resources in any namespace

When to use specific combinations of role and binding types

12.2.5 Understanding default ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings

Kubernetes提供了一些默认的ClusterRoles和ClusterRoleBindings, 我们可以通过组合现有的资源给pod提供read-only/modifying/full control等权限

ClusterRoles starting with system: prefix are meant to be used by the various Kubernetes components

12.2.6. are meant to be used by the various Kubernetes components

Use `principle of least privilege)

  • Creating specific ServiceAccounts for each pod
  • Expecting your apps to be compromised

18. Extending Kubernetes

18.1. Defining custom API objects

A custom controller will observe those high-level objects and create low-level objects based on them

18.1.1. 18.1.1 Introducing CustomResourceDefinitions

To define a new resource type, all you need to do is post a CustomResourceDefinition object (CRD) to the Kubernetes API server. Each CRD will usually also have an associated controller (an active component doing something based on the custom objects), the same way that all the core Kubernetes resources have an associated controller

18.1.2 Automating custom resources with custom controllers

We need to build and deploy a controller for CRD, which will watch the API server for the creationg of cutomized objects and then create low-level resources

Immediately upon startup, the controller starts to watch Website objects by requesting the following URL


The API server sends the ADDED watch event every time a new Website object is created. When the controller receives such an event, it extracts the Website’s name and the URL of the Git repository from the Website object it received in the watch event and creates a Deployment and a Service object by posting their JSON manifests to the API server

The API server also sends a DELETED watch event when a Website resource instance is deleted

现在似乎是要使用operator pattern