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Architecture of a Database System笔记

19 minute read

This paper presents an architectural discussion of DBMS design principles, including process models, parallel architecture, storage system design, transacti...

LeetCode Biweekly Contest 87

2 minute read

2409. Count Days Spent Together 这道题目在讨论区有很多人说stupid,自己一开始的实现也不是很优雅,不过它还是一道很好的考察区间相交的题目,区间相交有具体的公式 max(0, min(end1, end2) - max(start1, start2)) 我们可以根据这个公式进行...

LeetCode Weekly Contest 312

3 minute read

2418. Sort the People 签到题,不多说 class Solution: def sortPeople(self, names: List[str], heights: List[int]) -> List[str]: if not names or not hei...