The Contract-Powered Data Platform
这篇笔记来自于Buz Blog
这篇笔记来自于Buz Blog
1. Introduction
This paper presents an architectural discussion of DBMS design principles, including process models, parallel architecture, storage system design, transacti...
这篇文章来自于Confluent workshop笔记
这篇笔记来自于DoorDash Engineering blog
Weekly 313
Snowflake is a multi-tenant, transactional, secure, highly scalable and elastic system with full SQL support and built-in extensions for semi-structured and ...
1. Introducing Kubernetes
2409. Count Days Spent Together 这道题目在讨论区有很多人说stupid,自己一开始的实现也不是很优雅,不过它还是一道很好的考察区间相交的题目,区间相交有具体的公式 max(0, min(end1, end2) - max(start1, start2)) 我们可以根据这个公式进行...
2418. Sort the People 签到题,不多说 class Solution: def sortPeople(self, names: List[str], heights: List[int]) -> List[str]: if not names or not hei...